Sunday, September 5, 2010

Just realized I need to move........

I find myself, sitting in my house, with socks on and a sweater.  Everyone says how much they love this weather and I say "You're STUPID"!  Do you know what this weather means?  Let me give you list:
  1. Winter (Winter equals cold which equals snow)
  2. No sun (Very important to those who worship the sun. I love the way it just hits my face and makes me feel 100% better on some of my worst days) 
  3. My car goes in the barn (My convertible in which I drive to soak up those sun's rays)
  4. The Aztec is filled up with gas again (No comment)
  5. My home turns into a igloo (64 degrees to 72 degrees)
  6. While at work, I have to wear gloves and a hat to stay warm (Those that don't believe me, ask any intern who has worked with me in the fall and winter)
  7. Christmas shopping (Yes, it's suppose to be fun, but when your OCD and have to find the most perfect gift for everyone on your list, it's totally overwhelming)
  8. Researching Spring Break homes/condo's (Makes it seem like Spring will never arrive)
  9. Makes me feel as if I have SAD (Seasonal Affect Disorder)
So if you wonder why I'm a grump on Labor Day weekend, now everyone who knows!  I hate LABOR DAY WEEKEND, it's the end of summer.  Wake up people and get your hats, coats and gloves out.  And I don't want to hear anyone gripping when they are scrapping their cars, tracking in snow on their hardwood floor, and bundling up their children.  You wanted it.

Love live SUMMER!!!!!

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